Prospectus for Full-time Post-secondary 6 Programmes

124 125 職專文憑課程 Diploma of Vocational Education Programmes 為配合學生廣泛的興趣和社會的需求, 職專文憑( DVE )共設有 17 個課程於商 業與服務、工程及設計與資訊科技範疇。 部分課程更設有分流選擇,以加強學生在 該專科的知識及技能。課程中有部份單 元是以中文授課及評核。中六離校生一般 可於一年(三學期)完成課程,取得職專 文憑( DVE )學歷。 Seventeen Diploma of Vocational Education (DVE) programmes covering Business and Services, Engineering, and Design and Information Technology, cater for a broad range of interests and demands of the society. Students may also join the specialised stream in their chosen programme that best suit their development needs. For some modules of the programmes, the medium of instruction and assessments is Chinese. Secondary 6 school leavers can normally obtain a DVE award through one year (three semesters) of full-time study. 升學就業 職專文憑讓同學按興趣選讀不同專業課程。持 職專文憑的畢業生,符合報讀高級文憑課程 的一般入學條件(設有特定入學條件的課程除 外)。同學如在香港中學文憑試數學科未考獲 第二級或以上成績,可考慮修讀選修單元「數 學3E:升學選修單元」,以符合申請條件包括 中學文憑試數學科第2級或以上成績的VTC高級 文憑課程。 取得DVE學歷的同學,可選擇就業。部分畢業 生在投身業界的同時,亦可以兼讀形式繼續進 修,獲取更高學歷。個別課程學生更可於畢業 後參加VTC Earn & Learn職學計劃,一面接受 在職培訓,一面讀書進修,期間可獲取穩定收 入,邊學邊賺。 Articulation and Employment Holders of DVE are considered having met the general entrance requirements of Higher Diploma programmes (not applicable to programmes with specific entrance requirements). DVE Students who have not obtained Level 2 or above in Mathematics in HKDSE examination may consider taking the optional module “Mathematics 3E: Mathematics for Further Studies” for the eligibility to apply for VTC’s Higher Diploma Programmes which require Level 2 or above in HKDSE Mathematics as one of their general entry requirements. Holders of the DVE award may choose to seek employment. Some graduates may pursue further part-time studies while employed. Upon graduation, some students can enroll in the VTC Earn & Learn Scheme, and receive on-the-job training while earning a stable income. 朱朗延 CHU Lon Yin 職專文憑(飛機維修) 飛機維修工程高級文憑 澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大學應用科學學士(航空學) Graduate of DVE (Aircraft Maintenance) HD in Aircraft Maintenance Engineering Student of Bachelor of Applied Science (Aviation), Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology 修讀職專文憑(飛機維修)課程期間,學院提供 實習機會,讓我體驗到不同種類的飛機維修技 巧,為我將來就讀高級文憑打好基礎。 高級文憑畢業後,我獲得澳洲皇家墨爾本理工大 學取錄修讀學位課程。 While studying the DVE (Aircraft Maintenance) programme, I gained the maintenance experiences on different types of aircraft. The programme also helped me to build a solid foundation for further studies. After graduation, I was admitted to the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology.