Prospectus for Full-time Post-secondary 6 Programmes

基礎課程文憑 (DFS) 設有八個分流,配合同學不同的學習興趣,為中六畢業生 裝備基本專業知識及技能,兼顧就業及升學需要。課程設計強調通用技能的 培訓,有助同學發揮潛能,並為繼續進修奠下基礎。 The Diploma of Foundation Studies programme (DFS) prepares HKDSE graduates for employment or further studies by equipping them with trade- related knowledge and skills. Offered in eight streams to suit different study interests, its curricula cover strong generic elements and skills to help students realise their potential and build a strong foundation for future studies. 基礎課程文憑 Diploma of Foundation Studies 升學途徑 畢業生可報讀VTC高級文憑課程,過去有超 過80%畢業生成功銜接VTC高級文憑課程。 就業路向 VTC基礎課程文憑已獲公務員事務局接納為 符合報考以中學文憑試五科(包括中國語文 和英國語文)第二級成績為入職學歷的公務 員職系。同學如在香港中學文憑試數學科未 考獲第二級或以上成績,可考慮修讀選修單 元「基礎數學(三)」,以符合申請條件 包括中學文憑試數學科第二級或以上成績的 VTC高級文憑課程或香港公務員職位。 此外,畢業生亦具備投身應用科學、商業、 社會服務、設計、工程、酒店款接、資訊科 技及零售業的條件。 Articulation Pathways Graduates will be eligible to apply for VTC’s Higher Diploma programmes. More than 80% of graduates have been enrolled in VTC’s Higher Diploma programmes. Job History VTC’s Diploma of Foundation Studies has been accepted by the Civil Service Bureau (CSB) as meeting the academic entry requirements of grades in the civil service which requires Level 2 in five subjects including Chinese Language and English Language in the HKDSE Examination. Students who have not obtained Level 2 or above in Mathematics in HKDSE examination may consider taking the optional module “Foundation Mathematics III” for the eligibility to apply for VTC’s Higher Diploma Programmes or related civil service jobs, which require Level 2 or above in HKDSE Mathematics as one of their general entry requirements. Graduates will also gain a head start in career sectors like applied science, business, community services, design, engineering, hospitality, information technology and retail. VTC為我提供豐富的學習經 驗。除了在課堂學習外, 我還得到機會去海外交流、 工作實習以及參加設計比 賽。所有經驗為我的設計 事業奠定了良好基礎。 VTC offered me a wide-range of learning experience. Besides classroom learning, I had the opportunities to participate in overseas exchange, job placement and design competitions. All these experiences laid a good foundation for my design career. 蔡鴻成 CHoI Hung Sing, Wilson 基礎文憑 ( 級別三 ) - 設計 ^ 時裝設計高級文憑 英國諾丁漢特倫特大學時裝設計 ( 榮譽 ) 文學士 時裝品牌 REDEMPTIVE 創辦人 Graduate of Foundation Diploma (Level 3) – Design HD in Fashion Design BA (Hons) Fashion Design, Nottingham Trent University, UK Founder, Fashion Brand “REDEMPTIVE” 118 119 ^ 課程名稱已改為基礎課程文憑(設計) The programme renamed as Diploma of Foundation Studies (Design)