Prospectus for Full-time Post-secondary 6 Programmes

112 113 物聯網、大數據、智慧城市、人工智能、虛擬實境及擴增實境等創新科技,及共享經濟商業模式的迅速發展,已逐漸 改變我們的營商環境及日常生活。傳統及新興行業經歷前所未有的顛覆,因而對跨學科知識及多元技能的人才需求不 斷增長。職業專才教育及培訓因應這趨勢,積極培養具備融合多元學科知識能力的人才。進入新世紀行業,僱主對未 來工種抱有各種不同的期望,跨學科課程定能積極回應現代的人力需求。 The rapid development of Sharing Economy and innovative technologies like Internet of Things (IoT), Big Data, Smart City, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) are changing our business environments and daily lives. This wave sees the emergence of new industries or industries undergoing evolution, giving rise to a growing demand for talents possessing multidisciplinary or interdisciplinary competencies. Therefore, vocational and professional education and training identifies the need to help students sharpen their skills in different subject areas and enable them to nourish integrated knowledge of multiple disciplines. As we enter the era of the “ Future of Work ” , interdisciplinary academic programmes serve to embrace this change and provide a solution to answer such contemporary manpower need of industries. 就業前景 跨學科高級文憑課程畢業生可受僱於多種相關行 業,並能勝任於傳統及新興行業的行政及管理職 位。跨學科課程涵蓋不同學科領域,幫助學員建立 堅固的職業專才教育基礎,傳授行業所需的綜合多 元學科知識及技能,使其更具競爭力以配合未來人 力市場快速及複雜的變化。各跨學科課程皆為特定 行業及相關職位而設計,使學生日後能成為多角度 思考的職業專才,並且具備行業需要的跨學科知識 及技能,在各種相關行業及職位上,根據自己個人 興趣作事業發展。 Career Prospects Higher Diploma graduates of Interdisciplinary Programmes can embark on a variety of career opportunities. The Interdisciplinary Programmes offered by IU cover many academic areas, providing our students with a solid foundation of vocational and professional education and training with integrating knowledge and skills across multiple disciplines for meeting the challenges of complex, changing and competing workforces of the future. Each interdisciplinary programme is specifically designed with a unique curriculum incorporated with integrated skills and knowledge from relevant academic disciplines. Students of interdisciplinary programmes become well-rounded and educated individuals with greater insight into their future works from a variety of academic angles. With a Higher Diploma from any of our Interdisciplinary Programmes, students will have a wide pool of jobs to choose from the industries and relevant fields. 「跨學科」 現今社會對跨界別職業專才需求若渴,有見及此, 職業訓練局「跨學科」結合不同學科的專業教師團 隊,開辦創新及具前瞻性的跨學科課程,致力培養 具備多元知識、技能及獨立思考的新世代專才,以 配合新興行業的人才需求及發展。 Aim of Interdisciplinary Unit The Interdisciplinary Unit (IU) offers academic programmes dedicated to interdisciplinary studies with respect to the emerging needs of industries. It aims to nurture talents with interdisciplinary knowledge, versatile and independent thinking skills. 升讀大學 畢業生可報讀本地或海外大學的學士學位銜接課 程,亦可選擇報讀由香港高等教育科技學院(THEi) 或以下海外大學與才晉高等教育學院 (SHAPE) 於香 港協辦的學士學位銜接課程: • 英國謝菲爾德哈蘭大學 • 英國洛森比亞大學 專業認可 跨學科課程與業界及各專業團體建立緊密夥伴關 係,邀請業界代表為本課程作客席講座外,亦安排 相關實習機會,藉此提升同學們之專業知識及就業 能力。學生可加入以下專業學會成為學生會員: • 香港公共關係專業人員協會 (PRPA) • 電影電視工程師協會 (SMPTE) • 香港藝術行政人員協會 (HKAAA) • 香港銀行學會(HKIB) Articulation Graduates can pursue relevant top-up degrees locally or overseas. They can apply for admission to the top-up degree programme offered by the Technological and Higher Education Institute of Hong Kong (THEi) or the overseas university below in collaboration with the School for Higher and Professional Education (SHAPE) : • Sheffield Hallam University, UK • University of Northumbria at Newcastle, UK Professional recognition Interdisciplinary programmes have established close relationship with industry partners and professional bodies to invite guest speakers from various professions and arrange related workplace attachments for students to enhance their professional knowledge and employability. Students are eligible to apply for student membership of the professional bodies. • Hong Kong Public Relations Professionals' Association (PRPA) • Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) • Hong Kong Arts Administrators Association (HKAAA) • The Hong Kong Institute of Bankers (HKIB) 跨學科教學團隊 跨學科課程專業教師團隊來自不同學術範疇及業界 專才,使學生可以有效地學習並融匯不同學科的專 業知識。「跨學科發展組」將會安排各種升學途徑 及專業認可,以協助學生在事業發展和升學上的需 要。 Interdisciplinary Teaching Team The programmes are lectured by professional teaching staff from different disciplines, and where necessary, by practitioners in chosen industries. Students are able to learn cross-disciplinary knowledge. IU will keep on establishing suitable articulation pathways and professional recognitions for the interdisciplinary programmes. 跨學科課程 INTERDISCIPLINARY PROGRAMMES