Engineering Discipline
In-service Training

We have launched the following programmes to encourage students to learn from experience and help one another.

Industrial Attachment Programme

The Student Attachment Programme aims to equip students with relevant working experience valued by the industry. Participants will be attached to our selected partners including property management companies and building services engineering companies for two months during the summer or in the last semester of the final year. The programme provides students with a valuable opportunity to put theories into practice. Upon finishing the programme, the job readiness of the students is enhanced.

With the support of the public and private sectors, the Department has numerous scholarships for our outstanding students. Most scholarships are awarded to students with outstanding academic performance and excellent leadership skills who are keen to provide services in their campus life. We encourage students to use the scholarship for continuous learning or in other meaningful ways. Please see the page ˇ§Scholarshipˇ¨ for more details.
Structured Whole Person Development Programme
The programme has been launched in academic year 2007/08. It is a compulsory programme for full-time VTC students who must get a pass in this programme before graduation. It aims to enhance studentsˇ¦ self-image and improve their EQ, as well as to equip them with appropriate transferable skills, attitudes and values required to work in the context of Hong Kong and the Mainland China. It is hoped that our students can become more competent and confident, and develop towards effective communicators, self-directed lifelong learners, caring and responsible citizens, ethical and knowledgeable workers, as well as physically and psychologically healthy persons.