職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2017/2018

昂首向前邁進 2017/18 年度是碩果豐盛的一年, VTC 於年內穩步向前,推動未來發展。我謹在 此衷心感謝 VTC 全體成員齊心協力,共同 締造精彩的一年;同時我亦向政府、捐助 者、合作伙伴、校友及各界好友真誠致 謝,感謝各位一直給予我們的支持。 展望未來,我們將把握機遇,助香港提升 競爭優勢,培育更多技能專才,全力建設 一個緊密連通、科技引航的智慧之都。 執行幹事 尤曾家麗博士 , GBS, JP Driving Ahead for Growth To sum up, it has been a fruitful and productive year, during which the VTC has made strong progress and built valuable momentum for the future. I would like to thank all the dedicated members of our VTC community for their contributions to an excellent year, and express my sincere appreciation to the government, our donors, partners, alumni and friends who have played such an important role in our continuing success. In the year ahead, we aim to capture more opportunities for advancing the city’s competitiveness, taking further steps forward in our quest to nurture the skills of the workforce and help Hong Kong build a well-connected, technology-rich society. Dr Carrie YAU, GBS, JP Executive Director 23