職業訓練局年報 VTC Annual Report 2017/2018

15 Forging Prosperous Partnerships As another means of ensuring the VTC’s sustainable development in today’s globalised world, we continue to strengthen ties with overseas VPET partners, organising joint programmes and exchange opportunities that can give our students a global learning perspective and international exposure. At the same time, we work closely with industry partners to meet their upskilling needs and to strengthen our portfolio of professional programmes for industry practitioners. We will explore further collaboration opportunities in different areas, especially in technology, innovation and the creative industries, to promote lifelong learning and professional development. Realising Our Vision Together Year 2017 was a memorable one for the VTC as we celebrated the 35th Anniversary with long-standing partners, various supporters and stakeholders. I would like to extend my sincere thanks to Council members, senior management and the whole VTC family for their staunch support, which allows us to realise our vision of grooming smart talent for tomorrow. I am confident that by building on our solid base of excellence and working together to take full opportunity of new developments in the region, the VTC can reach new heights in the years ahead. Dr Roy CHUNG Chi-ping, GBS, BBS, JP Chairman 主席 鍾志平博士 , GBS, BBS, JP 伙伴協作 互惠共贏 要在全球化的環境中持續發展, VTC 將與 海外職業專才教育機構建立更密切的伙伴 關係,透過推出合辦課程及提供交流機 會,讓學生與世界接軌,擴闊視野。 我們亦與業界伙伴緊密合作,加強專業課程 內容,助從業員持續提升技能,迎合業界需 求。我們將繼續於創新科技及創意產業等不 同範疇尋求更多協作機會,以推廣終身學 習,鼓勵專業發展。 邁步向前 實現願景 2017 年是值得紀念的一年, VTC 與各界伙 伴、支持者及持份者一起慶賀成立 35 周 年。在此,我衷心感謝各理事會成員、管 理層及全體員工對 VTC 一直以來的支持及 貢獻,讓我們得以實現願景,一同為香港 培育明日棟樑。 憑藉卓越穩健的基石、上下一心的努力, 我深信 VTC 定能把握發展機遇,續攀高峰。