
2024-2026 Cohort ; S4 Entry in September 2023 Applied Learning Courses Student Handbook

1 VTC Applied Learning Courses 2024-26 Cohort; 2026 HKDSE [Commencing at Secondary 4 in the 2023/24 School Year] Student Handbook Table of Contents Page 1. Introduction 3 2. General Information and Regulations 4 2.1 Class Arrangements 4 2.2 Operations during Adverse Weather Conditions 4 2.3 Student Card 7 2.4 Safety Precautions and Insurance Coverage 7 2.5 Action in Case of Fire Alarm 8 2.6 Personal Property 8 2.7 Use and Access to Personal Data 8 2.8 Change of Personal Particulars 9 2.9 Intellectual Property 9 2.10 Guiding Notes on Using or Copying of Copyright Works 10 2.11 Environmental Policy 11 2.12 Conservation of Resources 11 2.13 Non-Smoking Campuses 12 3. Course Fees 12 3.1 Course Fees 12 3.2 Changing Schools 12 3.3 Changes in Status at School 12 4. Assessment Rules and Regulations 12 4.1 Rules and Regulations 12 4.2 Lateness and Absence from Assessment 13 4.3 Students with Special Educational Needs 13 4.4 Cheating and Irregularities Relating to Electronic/Communication Devices During Assessment 14 4.5 Learning Progress 15 4.6 Appeals against Assessment Decisions 16 4.7 Transcript of Study and Certificate of Course Completion 16 4.8 Recognition of Qualification 16

2 Table of Contents Page 5. Student Attendance and Conduct 17 5.1 Attendance Requirement 17 5.2 Punctuality 17 5.3 Withdrawal from Study 18 5.4 Conduct and Discipline 18 5.5 Equal Opportunities Policy and Prevention of Harassment 19 6. Student Services and Amenities 20 6.1 E-mail Account 20 6.2 Course-Specific Facilities and Equipment 20 6.3 Facilities for Learning 21 6.4 Sports Facilities 22 7. Contact Information 22 Appendices Appendix A Intellectual Property Policy for Students 23 Appendix B List of Course Delivery Sites and Contact Information 25

3 1. Introduction 1.1 In support of the Government’s initiative to diversify the curriculum of senior secondary education, the VTC has been offering a variety of Applied Learning (ApL) courses (formerly known as Career-Oriented Curriculum) since the 2003/04 school year (s.y.). Starting from the 2010/11 s.y., a number of ApL courses covering different areas of studies are offered to senior secondary students as elective subjects. 1.2 As an integral part of the senior secondary curriculum, ApL complements other senior secondary subjects by offering studies with stronger elements of practical learning linked to broad professional and vocational fields. ApL aims to enable students to understand fundamental theories and concepts through application and practice (e.g. projects, role-plays, case studies, industrial visits, etc.) with a view to enhancing students’ generic skills in authentic contexts; and provide students with opportunities to explore their career aspirations and orientation for life-long learning in specific areas. 1.3 ApL course is an elective subject under the senior secondary curriculum. Student’s performance at the levels of “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)” will be recorded on the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education (HKDSE) certificate. 1.4 Starting from the 2018 HKDSE Examination, the reporting of student performance in ApL (except ApL(C)) subjects is refined as “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)”. Performance of “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)” are comparable to Level 3 and Level 4 or above of Category A subjects of the HKDSE Examination respectively. 1.5 This Handbook contains essential information about the campus facilities and regulations, as well as general policies and guidance on academic matters for the 2023-25 cohort (2025 HKDSE). Students are required to study this Handbook carefully and observe all the relevant regulations and requirements stated herein. Students will also receive a course-specific Student Manual with detailed information of individual ApL courses. 1.6 The information provided in this Handbook is updated as at 2nd August 2023. You will be informed if there is new information that you need to know.

4 2. General Information and Regulations 2.1 Class Arrangements 2.1.1 ApL courses are of 180 hours in duration, courses of early course commencement starting in Secondary 4 and ending in Secondary 5. Classes are normally held on weekday afternoons or Saturday mornings or afternoons for three to four hours. Students may be required to attend an intensive summer block subject to the requirements of individual courses. 2.1.2 To enrich students’ learning experiences, industrial visits or other experiential activities in relation to the course will be arranged to enhance students’ understanding of the course-related industries. 2.2 Operations during Adverse Weather Conditions 2.2.1 When inclement weather affects Hong Kong, the announcements made by the Education Bureau (EDB) regarding classes for day schools will be followed. PLEASE NOTE THAT ANNOUNCEMENTS MADE BY THE VTC NORMALLY DO NOT APPLY TO APL COURSES. In case of any special conditions, visit VTC’s ApL Website (www.vtc.edu.hk/apl/en) to obtain the latest information. 2.2.2 Please refer to “Operation during Adverse Weather Conditions” on p.5 to p.6 of this handbook regarding the class resumption arrangements following the lowering of typhoon signals or rainstorm warnings, students or their parents may exercise discretion in deciding whether or not they will return to the VTC campuses after taking into consideration the local weather, road, slope, traffic or transport conditions at that time. Students, in particular those living in remote areas, will not be penalised for being late under these circumstances. 2.2.3 The arrangement for make-up classes because of adverse weather conditions will be subject to further announcements. Please consult the Course Tutors for the date(s) of make-up class(es). 2.2.4 The aforesaid arrangements apply to lessons, visits, workplace attachment and assessments arranged by the VTC only. Please observe the arrangements and guidelines announced by the organisations concerned for professional and public examinations.

5 Operation during Adverse Weather Conditions (Making reference to the Education Bureau Circular No. 5/2022 https://applications.edb.gov.hk/circular/upload/EDBC/EDBC22005E.pdf) When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above / Red or Black Rainstorm Warning Signal is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory, the Education Bureau will make appropriate public announcement of class suspension on that day through mass media, EDB website (http://www.edb.gov.hk/en) and EDB Enquiry Hotline (Tel: 2891 0088) in accordance to the latest information provided by the Hong Kong Observatory. Students can also refer to the following guidelines on class arrangements under inclement weather and pay attention to the latest announcement of the Education Bureau. Tropical Cyclone When tropical cyclones affect Hong Kong, the following general arrangements will apply and EDB will make appropriate public announcements accordingly. All class arrangements are subject to the announcement of the day of the Education Bureau. Weather conditions Corresponding class arrangement When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal Pre-No.8 / No.8 or above / “Extreme Condition1” is issued by the Hong Kong Observatory ➢ All classes are to be suspended. When Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 8 or above is replaced by Signal No. 3 or cancellation of “Extreme Condition” by the Hong Kong Observatory ➢ All classes are to be suspended if announcement of class suspension for the entire day has been made for all schools / day schools. ➢ All classes are to resume if Tropical Cyclone Warning Signal No. 3 has been issued or cancellation of “Extreme Condition” before 5:30 a.m. Remark:  Day school includes AM and PM sessions of ApL classes 1 If situation warrants, the Government may issue an “Extreme Condition” announcement before T8 is replaced with No. 3. The “Extreme Condition”, if issued, normally covers the two-hour period after cancellation of T8, and may be extended or cancelled by the end of the two-hour period.

6 Rainstorm Warning Signals In the event of rainstorms, the following general arrangements will apply and EDB will make appropriate public announcements accordingly. All class arrangements are subject to the announcement of the day of the Education Bureau. Weather conditions Corresponding class arrangement AMBER Rainstorm Warning Signal ➢ All classes are to operate as usual unless advised otherwise. RED or BLACK Rainstorm Warning Signal (Issued before 8:00 a.m.) ➢ All classes are to be suspended. RED or BLACK Rainstorm Warning Signal (Issued from 8:00 a.m. onwards) ➢ All classes are to be suspended if announcement of class suspension for the entire day has been made for all schools / day schools. ➢ Classes not yet started are to be suspended unless advised otherwise. ➢ Classes in session should continue the lessons until the end of the normal lesson hours and ought to ensure that conditions are safe before allowing students to return home. Remark:  Day school includes AM and PM sessions of ApL classes

7 2.3 Student Card 2.3.1 Student cards are issued to new students. Students should report immediately to the Course Tutors for any errors found in the “Student Data Checklists” distributed during course commencement, otherwise they will need to pay a handling fee if replacement of student card is necessary. 2.3.2 The card, which is non-transferable, is a student’s personal identification document and should be carried at all times to gain access to the VTC campuses/facilities (e.g. Learning Resources Centres, Swimming Pools, etc). 2.3.3 The student card is the property of the VTC. Misuse or falsification of the card will render the student liable to disciplinary action. Students should return their student cards to the VTC ApL Team upon cessation of their study in the course (e.g. withdrawal or graduation from study). 2.3.4 If a student card is lost or damaged, the student should report the case to the VTC ApL Team as early as possible and apply for a replacement at a charge of HK$100. The student should also report the loss to the Library for updating his/her borrower’s record. In case a lost student card is later found, the student should return it immediately to the VTC ApL Team for cancellation. 2.4 Safety Precautions and Insurance Coverage 2.4.1 The VTC attaches great importance to students’ personal safety, especially during the course-related activities and outside visits. The VTC provides insurance coverage for students while they are participating in activities organised by the VTC. The coverage also includes activities such as industrial attachment, visits and competitions, etc. that held locally, in the Mainland or overseas. 2.4.2 While staff members in charge of these activities will take every measure to ensure students’ safety, students still have a responsibility for their own safety and are strongly recommended to observe the following precautionary measures: (1) Inform their family members before the activities and visits that take place outside the VTC campuses, and leave a contact number (if available) by which they can be reached; (2) Inform the staff in-charge of the activity of any illness or health condition which may prevent them from participation; and (3) Obtain additional insurance coverage at their own expenses should the student or their families consider there is the need to do so. 2.4.3 Students must observe the VTC safety regulations and instruction. They

8 should wear protective clothing and gear as advised, and not to operate equipment unless they have been given permission. They should report immediately any accidents arising from study or activities in the campus to the staff member on duty. The VTC will not accept responsibility for accidents arising from students’ failure to observe these and other safety regulations and instructions. 2.5 Action in Case of Fire Alarm 2.5.1 On hearing the fire alarm, all students should stop immediately what they are doing. They should follow the Fire Escape Procedures and/or the instructions issued by the teaching/campus staff, evacuate from the campus building and gather at the appropriate assembly point to await further instructions. 2.5.2 While the fire alarm is ringing, students should not use the lifts or enter the campus building. 2.5.3 Fire drills may be conducted at suitable intervals for students and staff to practise the evacuation of campus buildings for a fire or other emergency. 2.6 Personal Property 2.6.1 Students are strongly advised not to leave their personal belongings unattended in campus areas as the VTC will not be responsible for their damage or loss. 2.7 Use and Access to Personal Data 2.7.1 The personal data that a student provided at the time of application and registration of study in the VTC will be used for one or more of the following purposes: (1) Setting up an individual student record; (2) Analysis of the profile of students enrolled on a course; (3) For all purposes relating to the student’s study, scholarships processing arrangement and support services in accordance with the procedures of VTC institutions; (4) Updating the graduate records and maintaining communication after graduation related to alumni affairs, including delivery of information of VTC institutions about events and life-long learning programmes. 2.7.2 Students’ personal data will be treated confidentially. However, under the following circumstances, the VTC may provide information to: (1) Secondary schools such as students’ attendance records, progress reports and student notice or warning letters, etc.; (2) Parents/guardians of students on special cases, such as repeated/prolonged absence from class, infringement of regulations etc.;

9 (3) EDB for students’ assessment and attendance records; (4) Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority (HKEAA) for students’ assessment and attendance records; (5) Local or overseas institutions/corporations where a student has submitted an application for admission or appointment and which are authorised to obtain their academic results from the VTC; and (6) Donors or Donating organisations for the purpose of selecting suitable candidates for award of scholarships. 2.7.3 Under the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, students have the right: (1) To check whether the VTC holds their personal data and ask for a copy of such data; and (2) To apply for correction of their personal data which are inaccurate. 2.7.4 Applications for data access and/or correction could be made to the VTC ApL Team via the Course Tutors. Requests for correction of data should also be accompanied by supporting documentation. A handling fee will be charged for the processing of any data access request. 2.8 Change of Personal Particulars 2.8.1 It is the responsibility of a student to inform the VTC ApL Team of any change of his/her personal particulars, including address and phone numbers. The VTC will bear no responsibility for undelivered mail/message due to students’ failure to update their records. 2.8.2 For amendment name, HKID Number, address and phone number, etc., the student has to inform the Course Tutor and apply in writing to the VTC ApL Team as far as practicable, supported by related documents (e.g. a copy of his/her HKID card). If replacement of student card is necessary, a handling fee will be charged. 2.9 Intellectual Property 2.9.1 “Intellectual Property” (IP) means any discovery, creation, invention, design, get-up, trademark, commercially licensable technologies, database rights, confidential information, trade secrets, know-how or any research effort and all rights pertaining thereto whether registrable or not, including patents, copyright, trademarks, designs, utility models, or other such rights in any country, and applications for any of the foregoing. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are legal rights protecting the creator of IP, giving him/her economic rights and control in his/her creations.

10 2.9.2 In the course of study, students will make use of the equipment, facilities, or resources owned by the VTC, including but not limited to drawings, data, sketches, documents, laboratories, stationery and consumables, and will receive guidance from tutors in generating ideas for assignments and projects and may, therefore, generate Intellectual Property which might be adopted for commercial use. Whilst the student will maintain ownership of the Intellectual Property in the materials he or she creates, each student irrevocably grants the VTC a perpetual, royalty-free, world-wide and non-exclusive right to reproduce or use (in whole or in part) of the Intellectual Property materials created solely or jointly with other persons during his or her course of study. Such right to use will include, for example, to showcase the award-winning works of the students for publicity or display purpose. The VTC will acknowledge the materials as the student’s Intellectual Property. A student must observe the rules and regulations pertaining to VTC’s Intellectual Property Policy in order to benefit from the continued enrolment and completion of his/her studies. 2.9.3 Any violation of VTC’s Intellectual Property Policy is considered as a serious misconduct. Please refer to Appendix A for details of the Intellectual Property Policy for Students. 2.10 Guiding Notes on Using or Copying of Copyright Works 2.10.1 In general, copyright is the right given to the owner of an original work (e.g. a piece of writing and software programme), whose creativity has to be protected. Students will be held personally responsible for any breach of the copyright law in using/copying copyright works, or using unlicensed computing software for private study. Copying does not only include photocopying but also includes scanning and storing information in hard disc or other electronic or optical media (e.g. uploading to servers). Transmission of materials by fax is also considered as copying. Students are advised to get a basic understanding of Copyright in Hong Kong and by referring to the website of the Intellectual Property Department of the HKSAR (www.ipd.gov.hk/). 2.10.2 Students should respect Intellectual Property. They should purchase textbooks and reference materials that are required for their study instead of copying it. 2.10.3 Notes and course materials provided to students by teachers or departments are works protected by copyright and shall be used by students only for private study. Students are not permitted to copy any textbooks, notes and course materials, either in printed or electronic format or to redistribute them to other people in any ways, such as uploading to servers, etc. Video taking or

11 recording during lessons without permission is prohibited. 2.10.4 Students should pay attention to notices on copyright posted in the campus, and should not make unauthorized copies of any copyright materials. 2.11 Environmental Policy 2.11.1 To create a pleasant working and learning environment for vocational and professional education and training, the VTC endeavours to: (1) Comply with all applicable environmental legislations, standards and regulations; (2) Reduce waste and consumption of resources (such as electricity, water and paper); (3) Raise environmental awareness among staff and students; (4) Provide environmental education and training; (5) Adopt environmental design, materials and technologies in the Council's campuses and buildings where feasible; (6) Reduce and control environmental pollution arising from the Council's activities and to require our contractors to adopt and implement environmental measures; (7) Implement decarbonisation strategies towards the goal of carbon neutrality; and (8) Work towards the achievement of sustainable development. 2.11.2 Students are expected to follow the VTC’s guidelines and advices to help implement the environmental policy. 2.12 Conservation of Resources 2.12.1 Resources conservation is essential in environmental protection and the VTC makes every effort to save resources like electricity, water, paper and so on. Students should help conserve resources by observing the following: (1) Close the doors immediately on entering or leaving air-conditioned rooms, such as classroom, seminar room, lecture theatre, workshop and office, etc.; (2) Keep all windows closed while the air-conditioning is on; (3) Switch off lights, air-conditioners, computers and peripherals which are not necessary or when leaving a room; (4) Use stairs instead of lift whenever possible; (5) Save water; (6) Adopt double-sided printing/writing and use recycled paper more; (7) Put recyclable wastes, e.g. waste paper, plastic, aluminum cans, used toners, used rechargeable batteries, etc. into designated collection bins for recycling purpose; and

12 (8) Bring your own bottle of water and reduce consumption of packaged/bottled drinks. 2.13 Non-Smoking Campuses 2.13.1 Under the Smoking (Public Health) Ordinance (Cap. 371), all campuses and VTC sites (indoor and outdoor areas) are designated as non-smoking areas. No person shall smoke or carry a lighted cigarette, cigar or pipe in such areas, or else will be liable to a maximum fine of HK$5,000 under the Ordinance. 3. Course Fees 3.1 Course Fees 3.1.1 All students in aided, government and caput secondary schools, as well as secondary schools under the Direct Subsidy Scheme and special schools with senior secondary classes are eligible for full subsidy by the EDB. Each eligible student is entitled to funding for a maximum of two ApL courses. 3.2 Changing Schools 3.2.1 If students change to another school during the course of study, they should notify the VTC ApL Team in writing as early as possible. They, who intend to continue the study of ApL courses, should also bring the copy of the “Form for Reporting Student Departure” from the original school to the school to which they are newly admitted in which the newly admitted school should submit the “Form for Reporting Student Admission” to the EDB. The departing students must obtain approval from the schools to which they are newly admitted in order to benefit from the subsidy from the government (except private schools) while continuing with the study of ApL courses. 3.3 Changes in Status at School 3.3.1 Students with changes in status at school no longer meeting the requirements as stated by the EDB will not be eligible for the subsidy for ApL courses. However, if such students have successfully completed their first year study of ApL courses, they can choose to continue the study of ApL courses at their own expense, upon special approval by the EDB and the consent of the VTC. 4. Assessment Rules and Regulations 4.1 Rules and Regulations 4.1.1 The minimum attendance requirement of all ApL courses is 80% of the total number of contact hours. Students who fail to fulfill the minimum attendance requirement will be considered “Unattained” in the respective ApL course, unless prior approval from the Chairperson of the ApL Course Board of

13 the VTC has been granted. 4.1.2 In order to obtain the VTC Certificate of Course Completion, a student has to fulfill the minimum attendance requirement and achieve the level of “Attained” or above in HKDSE Examination. 4.1.3 The performance of the students’ assessments will be reviewed at a Board of Examiners’ meeting. All assessment results will be submitted to the HKEAA for moderation and determination of level of performance. 4.2 Lateness and Absence from Assessment 4.2.1 An assessment shall not be extended beyond the scheduled time of ending to accommodate late arrivals. 4.2.2 After the commencement of the assessment, students who are late for more than a quarter of the assessment duration are not allowed to enter the assessment venue. No reassessment will be arranged. 4.2.3 Students should submit their completed work for assessment on schedule. Those submitting their work late without legitimate reasons will be subject to a penalty unless prior approval from the Course Leader has been granted. 4.2.4 A late submission penalty of deduction of 50% marks will be applied to all late submissions within seven days past the assessment deadline (including weekends and public holidays). After which submissions for the assessment in question will receive zero mark. 4.2.5 Students absent from an assessment without legitimate reasons will not be arranged for reassessment. 4.2.6 Students absent from an assessment with legitimate reasons should make a formal application to the Course Leaders for reassessment by stating the reasons and providing relevant supporting documents within seven days past the date of assessment (including weekends and public holidays). Application form for reassessment/resubmission is uploaded on the VTC’s Applied Learning Website (www.vtc.edu.hk/en). 4.3 Students with Special Educational Needs 4.3.1 Students with Special Educational Needs (SEN), depending on the nature and severity of their disabilities, may apply for exemption from an assessment or part of an assessment, and/or special assessment arrangement(s). Special assessment arrangements may include:

14  Time allowance;  Use of ancillary aids, e.g. braillers, magnifiers;  Special arrangements for question papers, e.g. enlarged print; and  Special seating arrangements, e.g. sit in a separate room for assessments. 4.3.2 Applicants should apply with supporting evidence substantiating the needs for exemption or special arrangements for special consideration. The applications should reach the VTC ApL Team directly or via the Course Tutors on or before 10th October 2023. 4.3.3 In general, the part(s) being exempted should contribute to no more than 20% of the maximum possible marks of the course. 4.3.4 A student who is exempted from an assessment or part of an assessment is still required to attend all scheduled classes and activities concerned. 4.4 Cheating and Irregularities Relating to Electronic/Communication Devices During Assessment 4.4.1 A student who has committed an act of cheating in an assessment will be liable to disciplinary action and penalties. Cheating may include, but not limited to, dishonesty acts of the following:  Submission for assessment material, either in its entirety or in part, which is not the student’s own work or is created by Artificial Intelligence (AI)- based tools and claiming it as his/her own;  Presenting AI-generated work / another person’s work as his/her own work, or allowing his/her work to be presented by other candidates;  Collusion, i.e. obtaining assistance in doing work which is meant to be his/her work;  Using false or fabricated data claimed to be obtained by experimental work, or data copied or obtained by unfair means;  Copying from a printed work or from any other sources, either in its entirety or in part, including the presentation of someone else’s argument in his/her own work and claiming it as his/her own without acknowledgement;  Using unauthorised material obtained/bought from the market or elsewhere as his/her own work;  Copying the work of other students or letting other persons copy his/her work, either in its entirety or in part;  Using other person’s name on his/her own assignment;  Possessing prohibited materials/articles of all sorts on his/her desk or within his/her reach during in-class assessments;  Taking away from the assessment venue any assessment materials which are not allowed to be taken away as specified by explicit instructions;

15  Using prohibited materials/articles during assessment;  Improper communicating or attempting to communicate with any person inside or outside the assessment venue during assessment, including observing and noting the script of another candidate or allowing his/her script to be copied by other candidates;  Dishonest behaviour during the period of leaving and returning to the assessment venue;  Using other person’s name on the answer sheet, including impersonating another student or allowing himself/herself to be impersonated; and  Obtaining access to the assessment papers or part thereof prior to the assessment through an unlawful means. 4.4.2 For established malpractice cases, a penalty will be imposed on the students concerned. Students concerned will receive ZERO mark for the assessment(s) concerned and no reassessment is allowed, where appropriate. 4.4.3 Students are strongly advised not to bring mobile phones or electronic/communication devices (e.g. smartwatches, hand-free/Bluetooth headsets, tablets, etc.) when attending an assessment. Students should turn off their take-along mobile phones or electronic/ communication devices (e.g. smartwatches, hand-free/Bluetooth headsets, tablets, pagers, etc.) and place these items under their chairs. Students violate the regulation will be subjected to marks deduction and disciplinary actions. 4.4.4 A student may lodge a written appeal against the ruling on allegation of malpractice to the Chairperson of the ApL Course Board of the VTC within three working days after the student has been informed of the ruling. 4.4.5 To ensure originality of student work, students have to submit a declaration form together with their completed assessment work to confirm that the work they produce is their own. 4.5 Learning Progress 4.5.1 To help secondary schools understand their students’ learning progress and provide the necessary support to students accordingly, students’ interim results will be made available to secondary schools by the EDB on a regular basis. Grades will be shown on the learning progress report, secondary schools could refer to the “Reference Table for Grades” to understand students’ learning performance.

16 Reference Table for Grades Grades Marks Overall Rating A 70-100 Excellent B 60-69 Very Good C 50-59 Good D 40-49 Average U <40 Below Average / Unclassified 4.5.2 The performance of the students’ assessments will be reviewed at Board of Examiners’ meetings. Assessment Results Notifications with assessment results reviewed at the Board of Examiners’ meetings will be sent to secondary schools by the end of the first year of study and after the end of the course to help secondary schools understand their students’ learning progress and performance. 4.6 Appeals against Assessment Decisions 4.6.1 A student may lodge a written appeal against his/her assessment results to the Chairperson of the ApL Course Board of the VTC within seven working days after the Board of Examiners has published the results. Students are not entitled to lodge appeals against any assessment decisions once the results have been submitted to the HKEAA. 4.7 Transcript of Study and Certificate of Course Completion 4.7.1 The VTC will issue a Certificate of Course Completion for students attaining the results of “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)” in HKDSE. A Transcript of Study will also be issued by the VTC to students awarded ApL qualifications in the HKDSE examination. Transcripts of Study and Certificate of Course Completion will be sent to respective secondary schools by October 2026. Students should collect the transcripts and certificates from secondary schools concerned not later than 31st December 2026. 4.7.2 If students lose or damage their Transcript of Study or Certificate of Course Completion, they can obtain a replacement from the VTC ApL Team at a fee of HK$50 per copy for Transcript of Study and HK$500 for Certificate of Course Completion. 4.8 Recognition of Qualification 4.8.1 ApL course is an elective subject under the senior secondary curriculum; student’s performance at the levels of “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)” will be recorded on the HKDSE certificate.

17 However, student’s performance at the level of “Unattained” will not be recorded on the HKDSE certificate. 4.8.2 Effective from the 2018 HKDSE Examination, the reporting of student performance in ApL courses is refined to “Attained”, “Attained with Distinction (I)” and “Attained with Distinction (II)”. Performance of “Attained with Distinction (I)” is comparable to Level 3 while “Attained with Distinction (II)” is comparable to Level 4 or above of Category A subjects of the HKDSE Examination. Please visit the HKEAA’s website (www.hkeaa.edu.hk/en/) for further details. 4.8.3 All VTC ApL courses are also registered in the Qualifications Register as certificate programmes at Qualifications Framework (QF) Level 3. Students will also obtain a QF Level 3 certificate issued by the VTC in addition to the HKDSE qualification upon successful completion of these ApL courses. Details are available at the Qualifications Register website (www.hkqr.gov.hk/). 5. Student Attendance and Conduct 5.1 Attendance Requirement 5.1.1 Students should attend punctually all scheduled lessons and activities of their courses. If absence is unavoidable, they must inform the Course Leader or Course Tutors in writing of the reasons as soon as possible. The Leave Application Form is uploaded on the VTC’s Applied Learning Website (www.vtc.edu.hk/apl/en). 5.1.2 The minimum attendance requirement for each course is 80% of the total number of contact hours. Students who fail to fulfill the minimum attendance requirement will be considered “Unattained” in the respective ApL course, unless prior approval from the Chairperson of the ApL Course Board of the VTC has been granted. 5.2 Punctuality 5.2.1 Students should attend punctually all scheduled lessons and activities of their courses. If a student is late for a class, take early leave or leave the classroom without permission, the Course Tutors will record the extent of lateness/leave in the class register. 5.2.2 Students who are late, take early leave or leave the classroom without permission for more than 20% of the contact hours of the lesson will be counted towards “Absence” for that particular lesson.

18 5.2.3 For repeated cases of lateness or early leave, the VTC ApL Team will send a report to the schools concerned and students’ parents/guardians for follow-up actions. 5.3 Withdrawal from Study 5.3.1 A student may officially withdraw from an ApL course by notifying his/her attending school. The student should also inform the Course Leader concerned in writing. 5.4 Conduct and Discipline 5.4.1 The VTC is committed to cultivating a harmonious, inclusive and pleasurable learning environment for students. Students should show respect to others, dress and behave properly. Normal courtesy and civic-minded behaviour must be exercised in all circumstances. Intimidating, bullying others or fighting is unacceptable behaviour and may lead to disciplinary action. 5.4.2 Students must observe at all times the following rules and regulations, students violate these rules and regulations will be subjected to disciplinary actions: (1) Gambling and betting are forbidden in the campuses; (2) Smoking is prohibited within the campus premises; (3) Alcoholic drinks are not allowed anywhere within the campuses; (4) Unless permission is given by the Course Tutors in specified training restaurants and kitchens, eating or drinking is strictly prohibited at all teaching venues including classrooms, computer rooms and lecture theatres, etc.; (5) All electronic and computer games are not allowed throughout the conduct or delivery of learning and teaching activities except within the context of learning and teaching; (6) Noise-producing devices such as mobile phones, smartwatches, etc., should be switched off in all teaching areas and the libraries. Activities that will affect learning and teaching are not allowed in all areas of the campuses; (7) Students must attend lessons and assessments on time as well as submit the assessment tasks on time; (8) If there is a specified dress code/ uniform requirement from courses, students should fulfill the requirement and wear the uniform properly before the commencement of lessons; (9) Students must follow the reasonable instructions form the Course Tutors; (10) Viewing, uploading and downloading obscene pictures or movies from websites and other electronic devices are prohibited; and (11) Notes, learning and course materials provided by Course Tutors are works protected by copyright. Students are not permitted to make

19 copy of such materials, either in printed or electronic format, nor to redistribute them to other people in any ways, such as uploading to servers, etc. 5.4.3 Students have the responsibility to help maintain a clean, healthy and safe and appropriate learning environment in the campus. They should observe further rules stipulated for the use of campus facilities, and for participation in the learning and teaching activities. Students attending classes or activities in other campuses and other outside centres should also observe the rules and regulations set out by the respective campuses or centres. 5.4.4 Besides the Course Tutors, all campus staff are empowered to enforce the campus rules and regulations. They are authorised to prevent and stop any misbehavior and non-compliance acts in all areas of the campuses. If necessary, they will refer the misconduct or case to the Student Disciplinary Committee for further action. 5.5 Equal Opportunities Policy and Prevention of Harassment 5.5.1 The VTC is committed to developing, promoting and maintaining a policy of equality of opportunity which creates an environment in which staff, students or any other persons who have dealings with the VTC are treated equitably irrespective of their sex, disability or race. It is unlawful for a staff or student of the VTC to discriminate against, harass, vilify or victimise another staff or student or any other person who has dealings with the VTC, on the grounds of sex, disability, race, marital status, pregnancy or family status of that person. No single incident of these unlawful acts will be tolerated. 5.5.2 Both staff and students have the duty and responsibility towards creating a fair, harmonious and favorable environment where the dignity of each and every one must be respected and an equality of treatment upheld. 5.5.3 The definitions and some examples of sexual/disability/racial discrimination/harassment are provided in the paragraphs hereinafter. Students may visit the website of Equal Opportunities Commission for further information. 5.5.4 Sexual Harassment Under the Sex Discrimination Ordinance, any unwelcome act of a sexual nature, or any verbal or physical conduct of sexual nature which creates an intimidating, hostile or offensive environment is considered as sexual harassment which is prohibited under the Ordinance. For instance, students telling sexual jokes, shouting obscene slogans or displaying pornographic materials on campus

20 might have created a sexually hostile environment for other students/staff and would be legally liable for such act. 5.5.5 Disability Harassment According to the Disability Discrimination Ordinance, disability harassment means unwelcome conduct towards a person on account of his/her disability, or towards this person’s associate, where a reasonable person, having regard to all circumstances, would have anticipated that the person with the disability would be offended, humiliated or intimidated. Examples may include an oral or written statement e.g. insulting remarks or offensive jokes about a person’s disability. 5.5.6 Racial Discrimination Treating people less favourably on the basis of their race or engaging in an unwelcome, abusive, insulting or offensive behavior because of another person’s or his/her near relative’s race, which makes the person feel threatened, humiliated or embarrassed might have contravened the Race Discrimination Ordinance and would entail legal consequences. Examples may include racist jokes, banter, ridicule or taunts; for example laughing at the accent or habits of people belonging to certain racial groups. 5.5.7 Students should avoid engaging in these unlawful acts of discrimination, harassment and vilification on or outside campus premises and students committing any of such acts would be liable to disciplinary action. 5.5.8 A person who feels distressed or humiliated by certain act of harassment may speak up at the time and tell the harasser that his/her behaviour is unwelcome and has to stop. If any student considers that he/she has been subject to such harassment and wishes to lodge a formal complaint, he/she should lodge the complaint to the Course Leader or VTC ApL Team as soon as possible. Appropriate actions will then be taken by the VTC. Strict confidentiality will be observed. 6. Student Services and Amenities 6.1 E-mail Account 6.1.1 Each ApL student will be given a VTC e-mail account. Students should activate their accounts at webmail.vtc.edu.hk before they are able to send and receive e-mails. Please refer to the distributed User Guide for more details. 6.2 Course-Specific Facilities and Equipment 6.2.1 ApL students who wish to access to the course-specific facilities and equipment

21 in order to complete their assessments after class, such as laboratories, training kitchens, digital video cameras, etc. should approach the Course Leaders or Course Tutors concerned for application. 6.3 Facilities for Learning 6.3.1 Services of Learning Resources Centre To provide a one-stop resources centre for students and staff in obtaining learning support services, the Learning Resources Centre (LRC) has been set up in most VTC campuses to create a stimulating and creative atmosphere for learning and allows flexible deployment of resources to handle services that require multi-skills. 6.3.2 Library Services All LRCs are multimedia learning resources centres that provide an environment conducive to study, research and leisure reading. Current information on library resources and services is available on the Library homepage (library.vtc.edu.hk). 6.3.3 The library collection in the LRCs consists of around 545,000 print volumes, 367,000 e-books and 100,000 full-text e-journal articles. They cover programme-related topics in Health and Life Sciences, Business, Childcare, Elderly and Community Services, Design, Engineering, Information Technology, Hospitality, Language and vocational guidance. Around 80 electronic databases, for example, BSOL (British Standards Online Library), EBSCOhost, ProQuest, ScienceDirect, HyRead eBook, Flipster, PressReader, Statista and WisersOne, also provide a very effective searching tool on a variety of subjects to support the needs of teaching and learning. 6.3.4 The VTC Library Catalogue allows users to locate all VTC library collections (library.vtc.edu.hk). Users can also ascertain the library holdings, check their own borrowing records, place a reservation on a particular title and renew their loaned items. Moreover, it provides hyperlinks to all electronic resources including e-books, e-journals and e-databases. 6.3.5 All LRCs are well equipped with Internet workstations, personal computers, notebook computers, audio-visual equipment, wireless LAN and an integrated photocopying and printing system with Octopus charging solution. Intercampus loans among all campuses are available. Library users may check in and out the circulating materials from any one of the LRCs. 6.3.6 Multimedia Services In most campuses, the LRC has Student Workshop Area housed with audio-

22 visual equipment, printing machines, scanning facilities and computers with multimedia software as learning support. To use the facilities, students should follow the regulations and technical guidelines provided in the Area. 6.3.7 Computing Services In addition to the departmental computing facilities, students can also use the central computing services in the computer rooms/labs for learning support. 6.3.8 Students are allowed to bring their own personal portable computers to the campuses for use in support of their learning. They can connect to the campus wireless network with a valid Computer & Network Account (CNA) after user authentication. Students are responsible for ensuring that their PCs have protection against computer virus infection and all software programmes installed in their PCs are legitimately-acquired originals. Any student found violating this regulation will be subject to disciplinary action. 6.4 Sports Facilities 6.4.1 When using the sports facilities, students must abide by the rules laid down by the campuses. The swimming pools at IVE (Chai Wan), IVE (Tsing Yi), HKDI and IVE (Lee Wai Lee) campuses are open to all students free-of-charge. Students may contact the respective offices for the opening hours. They may book and use other sports facilities. The charges and other related information can be found in the Sports Facilities User Guide. 7. Contact Information 7.1 Course Leader You may refer to the Contact List in the Student Manual. 7.2 VTC Applied Learning Team Address: Room 1401, 14/F., VTC Tower, 27 Wood Road, Wan Chai, Hong Kong Telephone No.: 2836 1264 Fax No.: 3527 0421 E-mail: apl-enquiry@vtc.edu.hk Website: www.vtc.edu.hk/apl/en VTC Applied Learning Team August 2023

23 Appendix A Intellectual Property Policy for Students Intellectual Property 1. “Intellectual Property” (IP) means any discovery, creation, invention, design, get-up, trademark, commercially licensable technologies, database rights, confidential information, trade secrets, know-how or any research effort and all rights pertaining thereto whether registrable or not, including patents, copyright, trademarks, designs, utility models, or other such rights in any country, and applications for any of the foregoing. Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) are legal rights protecting the creator of IP, giving him/her economic rights and control in his/her creations. Applicability of Intellectual Property Policy to Students 2. VTC’s Policy on Intellectual Property is applicable to all students, whether full-time or part-time, who are registered students of courses / programmes offered by VTC or its institutions / centres, whether the course / programme is solely offered by VTC or jointly offered with other partner institutions or is commissioned to be offered. Ownership of the Intellectual Property 3. In the course of study, students will make use of the equipment, facilities or resources owned by VTC, including but not limited to drawings, data, sketches, documents, laboratories, stationery and consumables, and will receive guidance from teachers in generating ideas for assignments and projects and may, therefore, generate Intellectual Property which might be adopted for commercial use. Whilst the student will maintain ownership of the Intellectual Property in the materials he or she creates, each student irrevocably grants VTC a perpetual, royalty-free, world-wide and non-exclusive right to reproduce or use (in whole or in part) any Intellectual Property materials (including adaptations of such materials) created solely or jointly with other persons during his/her course of study. Such right to use will include but not limited to, for example, the followings: (a) the right of VTC to sub-license the Intellectual Property; (b) to showcase the award-winning works of the student for publicity or display purpose; and (c) to refer to and use the works created by student in seminars, symposia, lectures and professional meetings. VTC will acknowledge the materials as the student’s Intellectual Property.

24 4. The exception to the rule on ownership set out at the above clause is that in cases where a student is working on a project that is sponsored by an external company and/or the VTC, the right to the Intellectual Property generated from the project should belong to the Company or VTC or student as stipulated in the prior agreement of the parties concerned. In this context, “sponsor” means support from the company or VTC, which could include financial assistance (cash or in kind), use of company’s or VTC’s equipment and facilities, and access to company’s or VTC’s confidential data, drawings, sketches, and documents relating to the project. Student’s Obligations and Warranty 5. Notes and course materials provided to students by teachers or departments are works protected by copyright and shall be used by students only for private study. Students are not permitted to make copy of any textbooks, notes and course materials, either in printed or electronic format, nor to redistribute to other people in any ways, such as uploading to servers, etc. Video taking or recording during lessons without permission is prohibited. 6. Each student should ensure that the Intellectual Property materials created by him or her shall be original and do not infringe the Intellectual Property rights belonging to any other person especially copyright, moral rights, patents or registered designs of any person and, in particular, that it does not contain anything defamatory or libellous. 7. Each student undertakes to promptly report to VTC if he/she knows or has reason to believe that the right of the Intellectual Property materials belongs to someone else solely or jointly with him/her. 8. Each student should, at the time when he or she completes registration for a course/programme offered by VTC or its institutions / centres, undertake to agree to follow the policies, rules and regulations issued or to be issued or revised by VTC from time to time. Each student acknowledges his or her understanding that adherence and compliance to the policies, rules and regulations is a condition of continued enrolment and graduation. Any violation of VTC’s Intellectual Property Policy is considered as a serious misconduct, which may be referred to Student Disciplinary Committee, or any counterpart in respective member institution handling student disciplinary matters, for investigation and consideration.

25 Appendix B List of Course Delivery Sites and Contact Information Course Title Course Delivery Sites/Address Contact Numbers Applied Learning (Vocational English)- English Communication IVE (Shatin) 21 Yuen Wo Road, Shatin, New Territories Tel: 2595 8119 Fax: 2505 0685 IVE (Chai Wan) 30 Shing Tai Road, Chai Wan, Hong Kong IVE (Haking Wong) 702 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon Child Care and Education IVE (Shatin) 21 Yuen Wo Road, Shatin, New Territories Tel: 2256 7413 Fax: 2256 7460 Computer Game and Animation Design IVE (Lee Wai Lee) 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories Tel: 3928 2636 Fax: 3928 2601 IVE (Shatin) 21 Yuen Wo Road, Shatin, New Territories Digital Construction IVE (Tuen Mun) 18 Tsing Wun Road, Tuen Mun, New Territories Tel: 2460 5259 Fax: 2456 9202 Electrical and Energy Engineering IVE (Haking Wong) 702 Lai Chi Kok Road, Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon Tel: 2708 6448 Fax: 2708 6444 Film and Transmedia Hong Kong Design Institute 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories Tel: 3928 2730 Fax: 3928 2701 Fashion Image Design Hong Kong Design Institute 3 King Ling Road, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories Tel: 3928 2548 Fax: 3928 2553 Food Technology and Nutrition IVE (Kwai Chung) 20 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories Tel: 2612 3517 Fax: 2612 3579 Hotel Operations Hotel and Tourism Institute (Pokfulam) 145 Pokfulam Road, Pokfulam, Hong Kong Tel: 2538 2405 Fax: 2538 2738 Hotel and Tourism Institute (Kowloon Bay) 46 Tai Yip Street, Kowloon Bay, Kowloon Tel: 3552 9366 Fax: 2795 1533